Mendeley Workshop

Updated 16 Oct 2018

Dear All,

University Library will have the workshops of "Mendeley" for students and researchers.

"Mendeley" is a free tool for managing papers & social networking with researchers worldwide.
Using "Mendeley", it is possible to organize papers and efficiently create reference lists.

This workshop is in English and requires an application in advance.
The instructor of this workshop is the staff of Elsevier Inc.

Please apply from the following URL:

For details, please check the following URL:
How to use "Mendeley"(Oct 18th) (In Toyonaka and Suita, the same contents)

*Toyonaka Campus, 13:00-14:30,
Library Hall, 6F in Bldg. A, Main Library

*Suita Campus, 16:20-17:50,
Library Hall, 3F in West Bldg., Science and Engineering Library

Thank you.