Department of Systems Innovation

The Department of Systems Innovation aims at interdisciplinary education and research to train the skilled people who can play an important part in the progress of the current information society with the wide knowledge ranging from device engineering to systems integration. In this department, education and research covering a wide range from hardware technology to systems design and analysis, such as electronics, systems science and mathematical science, are carried out. This department is composed of the Division of Advanced Electronics and Optical Science, the Division of Systems Science and Applied Informatics, the Division of Mathematical Science, and the Division of Mathematical Sciences for Social Systems newly started as an interdisciplinary division.

The Division of Advanced Electronics and Optical Science is mainly devoted to develop novel electronics technology which serves as a base of the developing a high information society. In this division, education and research in advanced technology extending from nanoelectronics to echo-friendly electronics, such as novel solid state devices and processing, functional quantum devices and quantum information, optical and quantum electronics, are carried out.

The Division of Systems Science and Applied Informatics aims to obtain intelligence and high quality functions for rapidly growing and complicated systems. It focuses on the education and research of basic theories and their applications which offer tools for analysis and design of intelligent systems and complicated systems, where human beings play important roles, by integrating system theory, information processing, media, sensing, and robotics technologies.

The Division of Mathematical Science carries out training and research in order to understand practical phenomena which occur in the fields of natural science, social science, technology, medical science and so on. The methodologies are concocted by constructing mathematical models, analyzing them, diagnosing the models and reanalyzing them based on the recent development of computer hardware and software. The Division of Mathematical Sciences for Social Systems is concerned mainly with research and education in advanced mathematical approaches to analyze and design complicated social systems, such as financial economics and networked society by integrating stochastic analysis, statistical inference and decision theory, systems theory, and operations research.

Division of Advanced Electronics and Optical Science

The future prospects for society in the twenty first century are to construct a stable network of information and energy with high quality. This division is devoted firstly to the creation and innovation of new structures, new phenomena and new functions related to electronic and photonic devices, and the elucidation of phisics of materials used in the devices. Next, advanced research and development of process technology and device design are being carried out widely. Moreover, the smart system, utilizing the developed devices, is created for the human interface. By education through these research, excellent researchers and technical experts supporting future science and civilization as well as fusion of science and technology are cultivated.

Division of Systems Science and Applied Informatics

This division aims to obtain intelligence and high quality functions for rapidly grown and complicated systems.According to our educational policy, graduate students are qualified to obtain various aspects of knowledge on systems science and powerful computer literacy based on applied mathematics, technical English, a variety of liberal arts, and to master the abilities of developing unique ideas with their own observations, making persuasive presentaion, and creating a new area of engineering science.

Division of Mathematical Science

Mathematical Science is the science in which mathematical and statistical models are constructed, developed mathematically and analyzed empirically in order to understand practical phenomena which occur in the fields of natural science, social science, technology, biology and so forth. For the purpose, one needs to utilize computers with advanced levels to make computer simulations, computer graphics and to develop algorithms, among others. This division consists of two large groups. One is a group of applied mathematics and the other, a group of statistical science, each having two smaller subgroups. In this division, emphasis is placed on research and education of differential equations, mathematical physics, statistical analysis and data science.

Division of Mathematical Science for Social Systems

The development of science and technology which copes with rationalization and internationalization of financial assets management could be done through research of financial engineering and mathematical finance. To analyze random and complex fluctuation according to time development and consider optimization under such random phenomena, we need the latest results of advanced mathematics concerning the theory of stochastic differential equations or statistical inference. Moreover, when we apply the theoretical results to actual technology for capital assets management, techniques of numerical analysis on a large scale at high speed are indispensable. On the other hand, due to the recent rapid technological advances in computer engineering, large scale networked systems and embedded systems with high quality functions have been developed. To analyze, design, and control such systems, extensions of the systems theory and optimization theory are required. Moreover, computational intelligence techniques are important for developing flexible intelligent systems. In a division of mathematical science for social systems, we achieve the education of competent persons who contribute to the development of such technology by means of advanced mathematical methods and also research development.