What's New

November 6,2024 News
A Visit from National Taiwan University
July 17,2024 News
A Visit from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
April 15,2024 News
A Visit from University of the Philippines Diliman
January 29, 2024 News
Visit by Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
December 26,2023 News
Joint Symposium of UCD-COE and OU-ES
December 11,2023 News
A Visit from University of California, Davis (USA)
November 30,2023 News
Students Visit from the Univ. of Malaya and Mahidol Univ. (Sakura Science Program)
November 29,2023 News
A Visit from University of Groningen (the Netherlands)
November 2,2023News
Visit by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University (Indonesia)
October 19,2023News
A Visit from Kyung Hee Univeristy (Republic of Korea)
October 1,2023News
A Visit from University College London (UK)
September 25,2023News
A Visit from University of Indonesia (Faculty of Engineering)
August 18,2023News
A Visit to Mahidol University (Thailand)
April 20,2023News
A Visit from Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office to the Graduate School of Engineering Science
April 18,2023News
A Visit from The University of Queensland (Australia)
March 15,2023News
A Visit from University of Toronto (Canada)
February 21,2023News
A Visit from Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
February 7,2023News
Visit by Dr. Marcio Lobo Netto from SUP (Brazil)
December 16,2022 News
Professor Keisuke Fujii and Associate Professor Daisuke Iwai have received the 19th (2022) JSPS Prize
December 13,2022 News
Visit by Prof. Carlos G. MORALES GUIO from UCLA (USA)
December 5,2022 News
A Visit from Universitas Negeri Malang (Indonesia)
December 2,2022 News
A Visit from a group from the University of Brawijaya (Indonesia)
November 7,2022 News
A visit from Clermont Auvergne INP (France)
September 28,2022 News
October 8 , 2020News
Take a look at our very first Engineering Science PR video
December 18 , 2019News
High school students from Thailand visit two research laboratories at the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
October 25 , 2019News
Invite those from Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCMC-University of Science) interested in advancing to the double degree program at OU-GSES
January 29, 2019Press release
First proof-of-principle experiment of quantum repeaters with all photonics