What's New
- November 6,2024 News
- A Visit from National Taiwan University
- July 17,2024 News
- A Visit from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
- April 15,2024 News
- A Visit from University of the Philippines Diliman
- January 29, 2024 News
- Visit by Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
- December 26,2023 News
- Joint Symposium of UCD-COE and OU-ES
- December 11,2023 News
- A Visit from University of California, Davis (USA)
- November 30,2023 News
- Students Visit from the Univ. of Malaya and Mahidol Univ. (Sakura Science Program)
- November 29,2023 News
- A Visit from University of Groningen (the Netherlands)
- November 2,2023News
- Visit by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University (Indonesia)
- October 19,2023News
- A Visit from Kyung Hee Univeristy (Republic of Korea)
- October 1,2023News
- A Visit from University College London (UK)
- September 25,2023News
- A Visit from University of Indonesia (Faculty of Engineering)
- August 18,2023News
- A Visit to Mahidol University (Thailand)
- April 20,2023News
- A Visit from Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office to the Graduate School of Engineering Science
- April 18,2023News
- A Visit from The University of Queensland (Australia)
- March 15,2023News
- A Visit from University of Toronto (Canada)
- February 21,2023News
- A Visit from Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- February 7,2023News
- Visit by Dr. Marcio Lobo Netto from SUP (Brazil)
- December 16,2022 News
- Professor Keisuke Fujii and Associate Professor Daisuke Iwai have received the 19th (2022) JSPS Prize
- December 13,2022 News
- Visit by Prof. Carlos G. MORALES GUIO from UCLA (USA)
- December 5,2022 News
- A Visit from Universitas Negeri Malang (Indonesia)
- December 2,2022 News
- A Visit from a group from the University of Brawijaya (Indonesia)
- November 7,2022 News
- A visit from Clermont Auvergne INP (France)
- September 28,2022 News
- October 8 , 2020News
- Take a look at our very first Engineering Science PR video
- December 18 , 2019News
- High school students from Thailand visit two research laboratories at the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
- October 25 , 2019News
- Invite those from Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCMC-University of Science) interested in advancing to the double degree program at OU-GSES
- January 29, 2019Press release
- First proof-of-principle experiment of quantum repeaters with all photonics